The St. Patrick's Day Dance!

The Saint Patrick's Day dance & party photo story features in order of appearance: Kiltie (a Sasha doll) Saroya the goose (by Kelly D. of Blondheart) Stevie the giraffe ("Jethro" by Diane K. of Wee Scones, Scotland) The Band Leader bear Roy (by Glendaveny Co. in Scotland) Rick the Rabbit (by Robert Zacher) White bear Todd (by Valerie of Mill House bears in the U.K.) and Cinnamon the bear ("Bewitched" by Wendy M. of Whendi's Bears)

The St. Patrick's Day Dance & Party

When Kiltie heard that St. Patrick's Day was coming, she thought it would be a lot of fun to have a dance party with her friends to celebrate.
So Kiltie got out her book from Ireland that had fun party ideas and realized she'd have to hurry and fly around her place to get it all done in time.

Kiltie gathered party decorations and then asked her friend Saroya to deliver the invites to the party for her.
 She told Saroya that St. Pat's Day would be here soon and to please invite the band members first- 
so they could be practicing!

Saroya found Stevie first and he happily showed up with the instruments in tow.

He and Saroya began to practice while Kiltie went to finish decorating. 

A little while later, their beloved band leader Roy showed up...

...and then the rest of the band arrived including Rick the rabbit and Todd the white bear-- and that's when Kiltie knew it was going to be a grand time. 

Kiltie had promised Stevie that she would teach him to dance before the party was in full swing. So Stevie told Roy he'd be right back and went to practice dancing with Kiltie.  

(Todd happily replaced Stevie on the drums till Stevie got back.)

Then Saroya came to dance with Stevie so that Kiltie could welcome Cinnamon the bear to the party.

"Welcome to the party!" 

Sasha and Cinnamon being of similar height did very well together on the dance floor.

 The band was having a great time too!

So they all happily danced into the wee hours of the night!

Thank you for coming to our party! 

(Soon we hope to post the after-party story which has Kiltie reading a bedtime story to the bears.)